Jewelry and Skin Tone: Matching Jewelry with Skin Tone
Did you know jewelry is the first thing that people notice about you and your outfit? Yeah, it’s because jewelry is the closest thing to your skin. Most of the people purchase jewelry based on their style and preference. However, choosing jewelry matching your skin tone is more important. It is really more important than you think it is. Sometimes you might have noticed when one of your friends is wearing a necklace and it looks really good on them. But it doesn’t have that same sparkle as it did when you were wearing it. You ever wondered why? It is because maybe it didn’t match your undertone. There are different metals and stones that perfectly matches certain skin tones. So, finding jewelry that complements your skin tone is surely a big thing.
What Is Skin Tone and Skin Color?

This is the first thing you need to know, skin tone and skin color are no way nearly the same things. Your skin color (the overtone) is the skin color you possess ever since an infant. But it can definitely change due to various environmental factors like getting burnt or getting tanned under heavy sunlight. Whereas skin tone (the undertone) never changes. It can be traced back to your ancestral ethnicity and biological makeup.
Different Types of Skin Tone
There are three different categories of skin tones – cool, warm and neutral. There are numerous ways to find out your skin tone, but the best way to figure it out is to stand under natural light and observe your vein color on your wrists. And here is what you will find:

Warm skin tones – Carefully observe your wrists. If the color of the veins is green, it means you have a warm skin tone. The result of staying out in the sun for too long is you will get tanned very easily.
Cool skin tones – People with cool skin tones will have blue or purple veins. Rather than getting tanned, you will get burnt if you expose yourself in the sun for too long. This is because they have a lower melanin count.
Neutral skin tone – The veins on your wrists will be both blue and green. So, you could get either tan or sunburnt when exposed to the sun. But it also depends on what part of your body is being exposed to the sun.
Matching Skin Tones to Jewelry
Since you have now determined your skin tone, it will now be easier for you to find the perfect jewelry matching your skin tone.
If you are a person with cool skin tone, you will look best in light metals like white gold, platinum, opal and silver jewelry.
People with warm skin tone will look best in gold, rose gold, copper and brass metal jewelry.
And finally, those with neutral skin tone gets to have the best of both worlds. They will look naturally good in both yellow and white metals.
Matching Skin Tones to Jewelry with Gemstones
While wearing jewelry with gemstones, make sure it doesn’t look odd. Match the gemstones with your skin tone to add a more cohesive look.
Cool tone – Blue and Purple color would suit perfectly for cool skin toned people. It will definitely add some liveliness and brightness to your cool skin. So if you are the person with cool skin tone, opt for jewelry with gems like sapphires and amethysts.
Warm tone – The warm-toned people will all have a yellow hue to their skin. As the color yellow is an earthy color, it will go well with other earthy colors like red, orange, brown and yellow. It is best if you reach out for jewelry with rubies, coral, garnets, etc if you have a warm skin tone.
Neutral tone – First of all, you are a mix of both in every condition. So you always have the free reign to choose from any gemstones. You will definitely look gorgeous on any gemstone.
Diamonds are your Best Friend
If you still feel like you haven’t understood about the importance of skin tone with jewelry, best you turn to diamond. Diamond is the gemstone that will make you look stunning no matter what your skin tone is. We also have another important information for you. Be sure to read our blog on how to choose jewelry that suits your face (facial structure).

We hope that this blog was able to help you get the information you came here for. So next time you purchase jewelry for either a date or even a birthstone, remember this guidance. Fashion Jewelry is about your unique creation, mixing different ornaments and matching styles. At Shree Balaji Diamond, we have an exquisite collection of varieties of jewelry such as Necklaces, Pendants, Rings (Men & Women), ForevermarkDiamondCollection.